Monday, April 13, 2009

Ladies! When you see another lady who's dressed nice, do you tell her? Or keep it to yourself?

Im the sort to say %26#039;Oh I like your shoes/dress/skirt%26#039;


%26#039;You look nice%26#039; even if I dont know them. Is that weird?

Ladies! When you see another lady who%26#039;s dressed nice, do you tell her? Or keep it to yourself?
I have actually on many of occasions told another woman if she looked good, if i admired whats she%26#039;s wearing with both women i do know AND the ones i dont.

To be honest, some women can get a streak of jealousy if another ones far more better looking then she is or is wearing trendier clothing, i find this quite sad me thats someone whos just feeling totally insecure about nope, personally i dont find it wierd..besides that way you also get greeted back warmly from other strangers.
Reply:no it%26#039;s not weird. I give a lady her props without hesitation. You look good baby. You wearing that dress! etc.

If you%26#039;re not insecure that shouldn%26#039;t be a problem
Reply:If i know the person then i%26#039;ll tell her i think she looks really nice, lovely clothes etc. if i don%26#039;t know the person then i won%26#039;t
Reply:If you find something nice to say the n say it! You may boost someones self esteem. If you have nothing nice to say then keep your mouth firmly closed. You sound like a very nice and normal person to me. If you are weird then so are a heck of a lot of us.
Reply:That%26#039;s very admirable of you. There%26#039;s so many women who would much rather hate on a lady who looks nice rather than paying her a compliment. Anyone who can easily give out compliments shows that they have great self esteem. There%26#039;s nothing weird about it.
Reply:yeah i am one of those people who will compliment someone whether i think they are pretty, or have pretty hair, or are just wearing something nice. now if i were a hater ( jealous person) i might keep those comments to myself. women can tell another woman she is pretty without sounding like a lesbian, however men can%26#039;t just walk up to a man and say %26quot; ay man, i just wanted to let you know that i think you are cute, dawg%26quot; lol amusing
Reply:No not weird, at least I don%26#039;t think it is, if it is then I%26#039;m weird too! Yeah of course I tell them, I%26#039;d like to hear it even from a stranger.
Reply:Of course I would compliment another woman. It%26#039;s not weird. It%26#039;s just my way of being polite. Compliments are nice! Whether you%26#039;re receiving compliments from someone or giving them, it makes you feel good. We women need to be nicer to each other nowadays.
Reply:I do tell her. I also tell a woman if I think she%26#039;s beautiful. We ladies have to be nice to each other...none of this petty jealousy. You hear about these women who try to tear other women down...I believe in lifting them up. You can make someone%26#039;s day by telling them they look nice or that they are beautiful. It doesn%26#039;t cost you a why not do it? I%26#039;m old enough and secure enough with myself to tell a perfect stranger. I have never had a bad reaction. People always appreciate it.
Reply:Yes I do if we are in the same area. I%26#039;m always thrilled to get compliments.
Reply:I think its very nice that you do that. A kind word can go a long way with how a person may feel about themselves. Besides, when you affect that person in a positive manner, they go on to affect others throughout their day positively as well. You begin a domino effect with kindness, just as one does with anger. I wished there were more people like you out there! Good job!!
Reply:I tell them that I like their clothes. What%26#039;s wrong with that?
Reply:I tell her I would even ask her what fragrance she is wearing. but i notice that woman are jealous of the way i dress. i can see it on their faces.

oh well (smile)
Reply:NO, i dont think its weird. As women, we do like to be told we look nice, and we know how it feels to be complemented, especially by the opposite sex. I always tell other women, even if strangers, that i like their perfume/dress/hair/whatever, as its just another way of making someone%26#039;s day with a compliment, especially from a stranger. It is also another way of opening up conversation, if you are at a bus stop or in a night club waiting to use the loo.
Reply:If they look approachable then I will comment on their clothing and ask where they bought it. Most people are flattered.
Reply:It usually depends if I know her or see her on a day to day basis. I usually don%26#039;t talk to strangers much.


No, you%26#039;re not weird. You are just very mature, confident, and honest.
Reply:yeah weird only do to ya bezzie amtes
Reply:If I know her and I get on with her, then yes, always.

If she%26#039;s a horrible person, then no, I wouldn%26#039;t want anything to do with her.
Reply:I sometimes do it (usually when I%26#039;m drunk!) I do really mean it and everyone likes a compliment don%26#039;t they?
Reply:depend, how close we are. yes to those i know really well, no to those i don feel like i have a comfortable connection with - which almost all of them.
Reply:yeah i tell them its really lovely to compliment someone or find out to get the look
Reply:When I see people who look nice, I tell them whether I know them or not. The only exception to that is if we don%26#039;t like each other. In that case, I don%26#039;t say a word.
Reply:No, I do it. If I like their shoes or shirt, or their hair is cute. I tell %26#039;em.
Reply:No thats not weird. I do it all the time. I love giving compliments. It makes my day when someone gives me a compliment. So why not make someone else%26#039;s? =D As long as you%26#039;re not like %26quot;wow your *** looks so good in those jeans%26quot; (even if it does) then it%26#039;s not weird.. lol
Reply:i dont like being the precipitant to a big headed and aloof person so i keep my comments to myself unless i want to get something or benefit from so called persons
Reply:If i know her, yes I%26#039;d say it!
Reply:i do yeah! i like to be complemented so i figured other girls do too! x
Reply:I wouldn%26#039;t walk up to someone on the street and tell them, if i was sitting next to someone on a train or something then i would. There%26#039;s no harm in it so why not, a small thing like telling someone they look nice or you like something they are waring can make there day.
Reply:I tell her! It%26#039;s nice to receive/give compliments, so I give them out whenever possible.


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